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Documentation for projections has not been written yet but you can read the README of the projection package below.


Package projection provides a framework for building and managing projections.


A projection is any type that implements the Target interface. A projection target can apply events to itself to project its state.

package projection

type Target interface {

To build the projection state, you can use the Apply() function provided by this package. Each of the provided events will be applied to the target:

package example

import (

func example(target projection.Target, events []event.Event) {
	projection.Apply(target, events)

The Apply() function also supports the following optional APIs:

Example – Lookup table

This example shows how to implement a lookup table for email addresses of registered users. Each time a "user_registered" event occurs, the lookup table is updated:

package example

import (

// Emails is a thread-safe lookup table for email addresses <> user ids.
type Emails struct {
	mux sync.RWMutex
	users map[string]uuid.UUID // map[EMAIL]USER_ID
	emails map[uuid.UUID]string // map[USER_ID]EMAIL

// NewEmails returns the lookup table for email addresses <> user ids.
func NewEmails() *Emails {
	return &Emails{
		users: make(map[string]uuid.UUID),
		emails: make(map[uuid.UUID]string),

// UserID returns the id of the user with the given email address.
func (emails *Emails) UserID(email string) (uuid.UUID, bool) {
	defer emails.mux.RUnlock()
	id, ok := emails.users[email]
	return id, ok

// Email returns the email address of the user with the given id.
func (emails *Emails) Email(userID uuid.UUID) (string, bool) {
	defer emails.mux.RUnlock()
	email, ok := emails.emails[userID]
	return email, ok

// ApplyEvent implements projection.Target.
func (emails *Emails) ApplyEvent(evt event.Event) {
	defer emails.mux.Unlock()

	switch evt.Name() {
	case "user_registered":
		userID := pick.AggregateID(evt)
		email := evt.Data().(string)
		emails.users[email] = userID
		emails.emails[userID] = email
	case "user_deleted":
		userID := pick.AggregateID(evt)
		if email, ok := emails.emails[userID]; ok {
			delete(emails.users, email)
		delete(emails.emails, userID)


Given the example above, the lookup table would never be automatically populated. Typically, you want a projection to be updated with every published event within a specified set of events. Using the lookup table as an example, it should be updated on every published "user_registered" and "user_deleted" event. This can be achieved using a continuous schedule.


The continuous schedule subscribes to events over an event bus to trigger projection jobs when events of a specified set are published. The projection job can be applied to a projection to update its state.

package example

// ... previous code ...

import (

func example(bus event.Bus, store event.Store) {
	emails := NewEmails()

	s := schedule.Continuously(bus, store, []string{

	errs, err := s.Subscribe(context.TODO(), func(ctx projection.Job) error {
		// Apply the projection job to the projection.
		return ctx.Apply(ctx, emails)

	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("subscribe to projection schedule: %w", err))

	for err := range errs {
		log.Printf("failed to apply projection: %v", err)


If your application publishes a lot of events in a short amount of time, consider providing the Debounce(time.Duration) option to continuous schedules to improve the performance of your application.

Each time one of the configured events is published, the schedule will wait for the specified duration before triggering a projection job. Additional events that are published during this time will be buffered by the schedule and passed as a unit to the triggered projection job. Should an event be published and buffered during this wait time, the wait timer resets.

TODO: Implement a wait cap.

package example

func example(bus event.Bus, store event.Store) {
	s := schedule.Continuously(
		bus, store, []string{"..."},

		// Debounce projection jobs by 1 second.


A periodic schedule triggers projection jobs at a specified interval. Periodic schedules always fetch the entire history of the configured events from the event store to apply to the projections.

package example

// ... previous code ...

func example(store event.Store) {
	emails := NewEmails()

	// Trigger a projection job every hour.
	s := schedule.Periodically(store, time.Hour, []string{

	errs, err := s.Subscribe(context.TODO(), func(ctx projectio.Job) error {
		return ctx.Apply(ctx, emails)

	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("subscribe to projection schedule: %w", err))

	for err := range errs {
		log.Printf("failed to apply projection: %v", err)

Projection jobs

Jobs are typically created by schedules when triggering a projection update. A job can be applied to projections to update their state by applying the events that are configured in the job. Depending on the schedule that triggered the job, the job may fetch events on-the-fly from the event store when applied onto a projection.

A job provides additional query helpers to extract event and aggregate information from the events in the job. All query functions of a Job use caching to avoid querying the underlying event stream unnecessarily. Jobs are thread-safe, which means that they can be applied concurrently onto multiple projections.

package example

// ... previous code ...

func example(s projection.Schedule) {
	emails := NewEmails()

  errs, err := s.Subscribe(context.TODO(), func(ctx projection.Job) error {
    // Query all events of the job.
    events, errs, err := ctx.Events(ctx)

    // Query all events of the job that belong to one of the given aggregate names.
    events, errs, err := ctx.EventsOf(ctx, "user")

    // Query all events of the job that would be applied to the given projection.
    events, errs, err := ctx.EventsFor(ctx, emails)

    // Extract all aggregates from the job's events as aggregate.Refs.
    refs, errs, err := ctx.Aggregates(ctx)

    // Extract all aggregates with one of the given names from the job's events
    // as aggregate.Refs.
    refs, errs, err := ctx.Aggregates(ctx, "user")

    // Extract the first UUID of the aggregate with the given name from the events
    // of the job.
    id, err := ctx.Aggregate(ctx, "user")

    return nil
  if err != nil {
    log.Fatalf("subscribe to projection schedule: %v", err)

  for err := range errs {
    log.Printf("failed to project: %v", err)

Startup / initial projections

When subscribing to a schedule, you can provide the Startup(TriggerOption) option to trigger an initial projection update on startup.

package example

func example(s projection.Schedule) {
	errs, err := s.Subscribe(
		func(projection.Job) error { ... },

		// immediately create and apply a projection job

	if err != nil {
		// initial projection job failed

	for err := range errs {
		log.Printf("subsequent projection job failed: %v", err)

Manually trigger a job

Both continuous and periodic schedules can be manually triggered at any time using the Schedule.Trigger() method.

When triggering a continuous schedule, if no custom event query is provided to the trigger, the entire history of the configured events is fetched from the event store, just like it's done within periodic schedules.

package example

func example(s projection.Schedule) {
	if err := s.Trigger(context.TODO()); err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Error("failed to trigger projection: %w", err))

You can override the query that is used by the job's Aggregates() helper to improve its query performance:

package example

func example(s projection.Schedule) {
	s.Subscribe(context.TODO(), func(ctx projection.Job) error {
		// We want to modify the underlying event query of this call.
		refs, errs, err := ctx.Aggregates(ctx)

	s.Trigger(context.TODO(), projection.AggregateQuery(query.New(
		// query "foo" and "bar" events from which the aggregate data
		// will be extracted
		query.Name("foo", "bar"),

Alternatively, you can use the NewJob() constructor to create a job manually without using a schedule:

package example

// ... previous code ...

func example(store event.Store) {
	emails := NewEmails()

	job := projection.NewJob(context.TODO(), store, query.New(
		query.Name("user_registered", "user_deleted"),

	if err := job.Apply(context.TODO(), emails); err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("apply projection job: %w", err))



You can embed the *Progressor type into your projection to make the projection ProgressAware. Such a projection keeps track of its "projection progress" when updated, which

  1. guards the projection from old, already applied events
  2. can optimize the query performance of projection jobs by only querying events that occured after a projection's progress time
  3. allows for simple and performant startup projection jobs
package example

type Foo struct {

func NewFoo() *Foo {
	return &Foo{
		Progressor: projection.NewProgressor(),


If a projection implements Guard, its GuardProjection(event.Event) is called for every event that is about to be applied to the projection, and is only applied if GuardProjection() returns true.

Example – Ecommerce orders

Given an ecommerce app where read models of orders need to be projected for the customers. For brevity, the read model just needs to provide the id and total price of the order. One could implement a projector for the order read models like this:

package example

// ... order aggregate implementation ..

// OrderPlaced is the event data for the "order_placed" event.
type OrderPlaced struct {
	UnitPrice int64
	Quantity int

// CustomerOrder is the read model of an order for the customer of the order.
type CustomerOrder struct {
	ID uuid.UUID
	Total int64

// NewCustomerOrder returns the customer read model of the order with the given id.
func NewCustomerOrder(id uuid.UUID) *CustomerOrder {
	return &CustomerOrder{
		ID: id,

// GuardProjection implements projection.Guard.
func (order *CustomerOrder) GuardProjection(evt event.Event) bool {
	// Only allow events of the order that this read model represents.
	return pick.AggregateID(evt) == order.ID

// ApplyEvent implements projection.Target.
func (order *CustomerOrder) ApplyEvent(evt event.Event) {
	switch evt.Name() {
	case "order_placed":
		data := order.Data().(OrderPlaced)
		order.Total += data.UnitPrice * data.Quantity

// ProjectCustomerOrders continuously projects order read models for
// customers until ctx is canceled.
func ProjectCustomerOrders(
	ctx context.Context,
	bus event.Bus,
	store event.Store,
) (<-chan error, error) {
	// Create a schedule that is triggered by the "order_placed" event.
	// We debounce the schedule by 1 second which can trigger a single
	// projection job for events of multiple orders.
	s := schedule.Continuously(
		bus, store, []string{"order_placed"},

	return s.Subscribe(ctx, func(ctx projection.Job) error {
		// Extract the the orders from the events.
		refs, errs, err := ctx.Aggregates(ctx)
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Error("extract aggregates: %w", err)

		// For each order, create (or fetch) the read model and apply
		// the job to it.
		return streams.Walk(ctx, func(ref aggregate.Ref) error {
			order := NewCustomerOrder(ref.ID) // or fetch it from a repository

			// Simply apply the job to the projection and let the projection
			// guard determine which events are actually applied.
			return ctx.Apply(ctx, order)
		}, refs, errs)

The projection guard example above could also be rewritten using the QueryGuard provided by this package:

package example

type CustomerOrder struct {

	ID uuid.UUID
	Total int64

func NewCustomerOrder(id uuid.UUID) *CustomerOrder {
	return &CustomerOrder{
		// Use an event query as the projection guard.
		Guard: projection.QueryGuard(query.New(query.AggregateID(id))),
		ID: id,

Projection service

The projection service allows projections to be triggered from external services / processes. Communication between projection services is done using events.

package service1

func example(reg *codec.Registry, bus event.Bus) {
  // Register the events of the projection service into a registry.

  svc := projection.NewService(bus)

  // Given some named schedules
  var schedules map[string]projection.Schedule

  // When registering them in the projection service
  for name, s := range schedules {
    svc.Register(name, s)

package service2

func example(bus event.Bus) {
  svc := projection.NewService(bus)

  // Then another service that uses the same underlying event bus can
  // trigger the registered schedules
  err := svc.Trigger(context.TODO(), "foo")

Generic helpers

Applying events within the ApplyEvent function is the most straightforward way to implement a projection but can become quite messy if a projection depends on many events.

goes provides type-safe, generic helpers that allow you to setup an event applier function for each individual event. This is what the lookup example looks like using generics:

package example

type Emails struct {
	*projection.Base // implements convenience methods

	mux sync.RWMutex
	users map[string]uuid.UUID // map[EMAIL]USER_ID
	emails map[uuid.UUID]string // map[USER_ID]EMAIL

func NewEmails() *Emails {
	emails := &Emails{Base: projection.New()}

	event.ApplyWith(emails, emails.userRegistered, "user_registered")
	event.ApplyWith(emails, emails.userDeleted, "user_deleted")

	return emails

func (emails *Emails) userRegistered(evt event.Of[string]) {
	defer emails.mux.Unlock()

	userID := pick.AggregateID(evt)
	email := evt.Data()
	emails.users[email] = userID
	emails.emails[userID] = email

func (emails *Emails) userDeleted(evt event.Event) {
	defer emails.mux.Unlock()

	userID := pick.AggregateID(evt)
	if email, ok := emails.emails[userID]; ok {
		delete(emails.users, email)
	delete(emails.emails, userID)


Startup projection jobs

Consider making your projection ProgressAware if you want to use the Startup() option when subscribing to a schedule. When combined with the AggregateQuery() TriggerOption, this can hugely improve the query performance of the initial projection job because the job can optimize its queries when applying a projection job to projection targets, using the progress time provided by the ProgressAware interface. If your projection does not implement ProgressAware, then the initial projection job will query the entire history of the configured events, which – depending on the size of your event store – could take a long time.

Additionally, when providing an optimized query to the AggregateQuery() option, the Aggregates() helper of the projection job can extract the aggregates from using the provided query, instead of the default query that queries the entirety of the configured events.

Projection finalization

Avoid long-running function calls in the event appliers. Move such calls to a finalizer method on your projection and call it after applying the job, like this:

package example

type Foo struct { ... }

func (*Foo) ApplyEvent(event.Event) {}

func (f *Foo) finalize(ctx context.Context, dep SomeDependency) error {
	// do stuff
	if err := dep.Do(ctx, "..."); err != nil {
		return err
	// do more stuff
	return nil

func example(s projection.Schedule) {
	var foo Foo
	var dep SomeDependency

	s.Subscribe(context.TODO(), func(ctx projection.Job) error {
		if err := ctx.Apply(ctx, &foo); err != nil {
			return err

		return foo.finalize(ctx, dep)

TODO: Implement finalization queue to allow for batch finalization.