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Event Store

An event store persists events in some kind of storage backend. This is mainly used for the persistence of aggregates, which consist of streams of events, but can also be used to persist any kind of event that implements event.Of[T].

Inserting Events

package example

import (

func example() {
  // Create an in-memory event store.
  store := eventstore.New()


func insert(store event.Store) {
  events := []event.Event{
    event.New("foo", "foo-data").Any(),
    event.New("bar", "bar-data").Any(),

  if err := store.Insert(context.TODO(), events...); err != nil {
    panic(fmt.Errorf("insert events: %w", err))

As you might noticed, in the above insert function, when creating the events, their Any() methods are called. This is necessary in this case because of Go's current limitations in type parameters (generics). The Insert() method of the event.Store interface expects the event.Event / event.Of[any] type, but when creating an event with for example a string as event data, the created type will be event.Of[string]. The Any() method of an event returns the event as an event.Event / event.Of[any].

Inserting Aggregate Events

When inserting events of an aggregate into an event store, the store will perform additional checks to ensure the consistency of the inserted events. For example, when inserting two events with the same position in an aggregate's event stream, the insertion will fail for all events, effectively providing Optimistic Concurrency Control for free.

package example

import (

func example(store event.Store) {
  id := uuid.New()
  name := "example"
  version := 1

  // We have two events with the same Aggregate Version.
  events := []event.Event{
    event.New("foo", "foo-data", event.Aggregate(id, name, version)).Any(),
    event.New("bar", "bar-data", event.Aggregate(id, name, version)).Any(),

  // This will fail due to the consistency check.
  if err := store.Insert(context.TODO(), events...); err != nil {
    panic(fmt.Errorf("insert events: %w", err))

Querying Events

The event.Store provides sophisticated query capabilities that allow you to query events by any of the following fields:

  • ID
  • Name
  • Time
  • AggregateID
  • AggregateName
  • AggregateVersion


package example

import (
  stdtime "time"

func example(store event.Store) {
  events, errs, err := store.Query(context.TODO(), query.New(
    // Filter by event id.
    query.ID(uuid.UUID{...}, uuid.UUID{...}),

    // Filter by event name.
    query.Name("foo", "bar", "baz"),

    // Filter by event time.
      // Allow exact matches.
      time.Exact(stdtime.Time{...}, stdtime.Time{...}),

      // Allow range matches.
        time.Range{stdtime.Time{...}, stdtime.Time{...}},
        time.Range{stdtime.Time{...}, stdtime.Time{...}},

      // Allow events that happened before the given time.

      // Allow events that happened after the given time.

      // Same as time.After() but "inclusive".

      // Same as time.Before() but "inclusive".

    // Filter by aggregate id.
    query.AggregateID(uuid.UUID{...}, uuid.UUID{...}),

    // Filter by aggregate name.
    query.AggregateName("foo", "bar", "baz"),

    // Filter by aggregate version.
      // Allow exact matches.
      version.Exact(1, 4, 6),

      // Allow range matches.
        time.Range{1, 4}, // between version 1 and 4
        time.Range{10, 12}, // between version 10 and 12

      // Allow events with AggregateVersion >= 4.

      // Allow events with AggregateVersion <= 12.

    // Allow events that belong to a specific aggregate.
    query.Aggregate("foo", uuid.UUID{...}),

    // Now, the query allows events that belong to the above "foo" aggregate
    // OR events that belong to the below "bar" aggregate.
    query.Aggregate("bar", uuid.UUID{...}),

    // Allow all events that belong to "foo" aggregates.
    // Basically the same as query.AggregateName("foo")
    query.Aggregate("foo", uuid.Nil),


When querying events, you can specify how the result should be sorted.

Simple sorting

Simple sorting means that the result is sorted by a single field.

package example

import (

func example(store event.Store) {
  events, errs, err := store.Query(context.TODO(), query.New(
    query.Name("foo", "bar", "baz"),

    // Sort events by time, ascending.
    query.SortBy(event.SortTime, event.SortAsc),

    // Sort events by aggregate name, descending.
    query.SortBy(event.SortAggregateName, event.SortDesc),

    // Sort events by aggregate id, ascending.
    query.SortBy(event.SortAggregateID, event.SortAsc),

    // Sort events by aggregate version, descending.
    query.SortBy(event.SortAggregateVersion, event.SortDesc),

  // Drain the stream to get a slice of events.
  all, err := streams.Drain(context.TODO(), events, errs)
  if err != nil {
    panic(fmt.Errorf("drain events: %w", err))


You can also sort by multiple fields, assuming that the event store implementation supports multi-field sorting.

package example

import (

func example(store event.Store) {
  events, errs, err := store.Query(context.TODO(), query.New(
    query.Name("foo", "bar", "baz"),

    // Sort events first by aggregate name, then aggregate id,
    // and then by aggregate version.
        Sort: event.SortAggregateName,
        Dir: event.SortAsc,
        Sort: event.SortAggregateID,
        Dir: event.SortAsc,
        Sort: event.SortAggregateVersion,
        Dir: event.SortAsc,

  // Drain the stream to get a slice of events.
  all, err := streams.Drain(context.TODO(), events, errs)
  if err != nil {
    panic(fmt.Errorf("drain events: %w", err))

Fetching Events

If you already know the ID of an event, you can directly fetch the event from the event store.

package example

import (

func example(store event.Store) {
  id := uuid.New()

  evt, err := store.Find(context.TODO(), id)
  if err != nil {
    panic(fmt.Errorf("event %q not found: %w", id, err))

Deleting Events


When deleting an event via the event.Store.Delete() method, the event will be irrevocably deleted from the event store. Doing this requires careful consideration of the application structure in order to avoid unexpected issues caused by missing events, especially within an event-sourced application. When you delete an event from the event store, make sure that your application does not depend on that event to function properly.


Consider using the soft-delete feature when deleting aggregates. Soft-deletes allow you to mark aggregates as deleted without actually deleting events from the event store.

package example

import (

func example(store event.Store) {
  id := uuid.New()

  evt, err := store.Find(context.TODO(), id)
  if err != nil {
    panic(fmt.Errorf("event %q not found: %w", id, err))

  if err := store.Delete(context.TODO(), evt); err != nil {
    panic(fmt.Errorf("delete %q event: %w", evt.Name(), err))

Type Definitions


// A Query can be used to query events from an event store. Each of the query's
// methods that return a non-nil filter are considered when filtering events.
// Different (non-nil) filters must all be fulfilled by an event to be included
// in the result. Within a single filter that allows multiple values, the event
// must match at least one of the values.
type Query interface {
	// Names returns the event names to query for.
	Names() []string

	// IDs returns the event ids to query for.
	IDs() []uuid.UUID

	// Times returns the event time constraints for the query.
	Times() time.Constraints

	// AggregateNames returns the aggregate names to query for.
	AggregateNames() []string

	// AggregateIDs returns the aggregate ids to query for.
	AggregateIDs() []uuid.UUID

	// AggregateVersions returns the event version constraints for the query.
	AggregateVersions() version.Constraints

	// Aggregates returns a list of specific aggregates (name & id pairs) to
	// query for. If an AggregateRef has a nil-UUID, every Aggregate with the
	// given name is queried.
	// Example:
	//	id := uuid.New()
	//	q := query.New(query.Aggregate("foo", id), query.Aggregate("bar", uuid.Nil))
	// The above query allows the "foo" aggregate with the specified id and
	// every "bar" aggregate. Events that do not fulfill any of these two
	// constraints will not be returned.
	// Advantage of using this filter instead of using the `AggregateNames()`
	// and `AggregateIDs()` filters is that this filter allows to query multiple
	// specific aggregates with different names.
	Aggregates() []AggregateRef

	// Sorting returns the sorting options for the query. Events are sorted as
	// they would be by calling SortMulti().
	Sortings() []SortOptions


const (
	// SortTime sorts events by time.
	SortTime = Sorting(iota)
	// SortAggregateName sorts events by aggregate name.
	// SortAggregateID sorts events by aggregate id.
	// SortAggregateVersion sorts events by aggregate version.

const (
	// SortAsc sorts events in ascending order.
	SortAsc = SortDirection(iota)
	// SortDesc sorts events in descending order.